On CeBIT 2016, Airwheel launches a revolutionary product—its first wheeled robot S9

  • Source:Airwheel

Abstract: CeBIT is considered a barometer of current trends and a measure of the state of the art in information technology. CeBIT 2016 has officially opened on March 14 with the theme of “quickly reach the digital future". On CeBIT 2016, Airwheel launches a revolutionary product—its first wheeled robot S9 (Booth No.: Hall 17-H06).

The annual event will attract world known enterprises to attend and lead the annual consumer electronics industry's technology trends. On CeBIT 2016, Airwheel has showed its previous popular products, for instance, the Airwheel X series, Q series, S series, A series, Z series and M series. Airwheel will embrace new members adding vitality into its big family, and its latest R & D achievements including four series of six new products, especially its first wheeled robot S9 two wheeled self-balancing robot (Booth No.: Hall 17-H06).


intelligent robots Airwheel S9


However, the recent chess competition between AlphaGo and Lee Se-dol, one of the world's top players captures the world's attention. The AlphaGo's wins were seen as a landmark moment for artificial intelligence, which has caused a sensation in the society. Actually, the big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and Internet of Things have been closely related to our lives.

This Airwheel S9 service robots, based on the self-balancing system is a service robot. Through the built-in laser radar and auditory acquisition system, it achieves human-computer interaction; coupled with the GPRS, WiFi and network base stations and other integrated positioning systems, it can realize the automatic obstacle avoidance, path planning and other functions. Latter, it will be suitable for more usage scenarios by plug-ins, software upgrades and other ways.


wheeled mobile robot Airwheel


As the leader in global portable intelligent transport industry, Airwheel makes full use of the CeBIT 2016 to showcase its self-balancing electric scooters and more importantly, its latest R & D achievements including four series of six new products worth your attention (Booth No.: Hall 17-H06).

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