Airwheel M3 Remote Control Skateboard Present on Indiegogo

  • Source:Airwheel

Abstract: Four-wheeled skateboard paired with a remote control from Airwheel is present on Indiegogo. The most attracting feature of M3 is the cost-effective price, only $399 to get one board not only meant for fun, but also for commuting.  

One fact about scooters is that it's impossible to look cool riding one. When you ride one, people look at you with distain. They shout things like, “you're the problem,” or “|get off the sidewalk” in a serious tone. The second thing is that there's a decent chance you're going to be riding one soon. It might be a fancy electric skateboard from some startup like Airwheel. Why is the skateboard created?



M3 Airwheel price



It's released by UN that it predicts the global population will hit 9.6 billion by 2050. All of that growth will come in cities to cause that two thirds of people will live in urban areas. Our cities are already clogged with traffic, and filled with hideous parking garages that facilitate our planet-killing habits.

M3 is not only a toy for fun, but also a commuting tool for the last mile. The special feature it owns is the remote control since the replaceable decals or panels can be available on any other boards. The remote control is installed two main buttons, one for speed, the other one for the direction. So the rider could have a variable speed experience through manipulating the keys in the remote control.



Airwheel M3



This wireless remote control skateboard is useful for those people looking for a faster, easier way to get the grocery store or the subway station. M3 is just the right mix of powerful, portable, and useful. It can top up to 20 kilometer per hour, and the range is about 23kilometers after a full charge.

Skateboard is slightly superior in contrast with scooters. It's much more portable when the road condition is too bad. The skateboarding can be a cool commuting way. Please visit for more information about M3 on Indiegogo.


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