A Camping Trip with Airwheel S5 SUV Two-wheel Electric Scooter

  • Source:http://www.abnewswire.com/pressreleases/a-camping-trip-with-airwheel-s5-suv-twowheel-electric-scooter_50054.html

Abstract: As a travel buff, Edward has an experience of camping with his new personal transporter Airwheel S5. After this experience, will he have another camping trip with it?

Edward is a travel buff as well as a geek of electric devices. Not long ago, he got a present from his best friend, a two-wheeled electric scooter produced by Airwheel. He said it's a no-brainer to ride S5. When power is on, two feet step on the foot platform with hands grasping handlebars. Leaning body forward is to go forth; leaning backward is to slow down. Keeping still with straight body is to stop.






Whether was it just an encumbrance in the trip? But the strong desire to have something new persuaded him. When he arrived at the destination—Roan MT. State Park Tennessee, he unloaded all stuffs in his car. The first thing, what he did was to look for firewood before darkness. For the road was a little bumpy with grasses, it was a tricky condition to challenge S5.

Mounting the handlebars on the vehicle, he started to hunt for branches since riding S5 was effortless. But he almost fell down because the vehicle failed to climb the uphill road covered with some cobbles. He had to drag the scooter to get over the uphill. Upon finding firewood, he tied it on the operating bar. When the darkness was approaching, he turned on the LED lights to return the site for settlement.






Then he worked on setting the tent. Since Airwheel S5 didn't work very well on the cobbled road, he would choose a flat terrain to ride. The next day, he rolled on the electric scooter to cruise the park. When almost reaching his tent, the warning light was flashing. For it can't get charged via power bank, he only took apart it for easy storage.

From Edward's camping experience with S5, he was not greatly pleased with this trip. Maybe S5 works better on some other special terrains.

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