Objective Reviews about Airwheel Z3 from a Player, David

  • Source:Airwheel

Abstract: After my real test on Z3 Airwheel two-wheel electric scooter, I just want to write it down for the new riders for reference. Before starting, I must clarify that writing this reflection about Z3 is totally based on my voluntary.

I'm David from New Brunswick Canada a user of Z3. Actually I didn't want buy a scooter after hearing several bad news about electric hoverboards. But because of my wife, she clicked the order confirmation when I was hesitated about it. My wife wanted to use it as the commuting tool.




Since there is an exclusive App compatible with both Android phones and Apple Iphone, user's phone can get the App easily through scanning QR code. It's handy to test the scooter since the data is showed by App. During the test I can know all data like electric quantity, current speed, and mileage about the vehicle on the phone.

The operation skill is quite easy for most girls, but it's a need to explain every detail of riding it. I believe my wife can learn the two-wheeled scooter in a few minutes. The left handlebar is an easy-to-use hand-operated brake; the right handlebar is to control the speed as an accelerator.



For the product description or its advertisement, I must say the real data presents a slight difference from the official data. My actual weight is 76kg, and I test the scooter at a constant speed of 9-10 kilometers per hour. After I ride about 2-3 kilometers, the electricity quantity turns 75% on my phone's App. Of course, the precondition is that the electric hoverboard is in full charge. When the battery level drops to 10%, it can still roll 5-6 kilometers until the power is run out. The general range is 16.6 kilometers.

That's all the real data from my riding experience. Hope it's useful for some new riders.

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