Airwheel Intelligent Self-balancing Scooter Creates the Most Unique Riding Mode

  • Source:Airwheel

Abstract: Some people might doubt about the popularity of Airwheel intelligent self-balancing scooter A3. Only three reasons could help to lift those doubts. Airwheel intelligent scooter A3 is a unique existence.


Different people have different opinions and therefore different users think highly of different electric self-balancing scooters. Some prefer unicycles while some prefer twin-wheeled scooters. Some people might doubt about the popularity of Airwheel intelligent self-balancing scooter A3. Only three reasons could help to lift those doubts. For modern people, Airwheel intelligent scooter A3 is a unique existence.

Airwheel Intelligent Self-balancing Scooter Creates the Most Unique Riding Mode

Firstly, A3 subverts tradition.

There are already many people riding self-balancing scooters. The young generation in modern times, are in constant pursuit of being stylish and unique. They do not rigidly adhere to traditions. Riding an ordinary scooter could not demonstrate their characteristics. Airwheel intelligent self-balancing scooter A3, with an eye-catching and fashionable appearance design, conforms to trendsetter’s esthetic sense. The intelligent device integrates the creativity of the world’s leading industrial designers. It abides by people’s traditional thinking habit and operating mode. Besides, A3 is also designed on the basis of ergonomics theory and turns riding into a cool and comfortable experience.


Secondly, the sitting posture drives away fatigue.

People often prefer sitting to standing. Sitting is more comfortable than standing. The original self-balancing scooters often require standing posture, which brings about fatigue. They could not satisfy the demands for long-distance commuting in urban transportation. This is a disadvantage of traditional self-balancing scooters. But A3 with a saddle solve the problem perfectly. People could sit to ride an A3, and as a result, riding could be relaxing and comfortable.


Thirdly, the new braking system guarantees safety.

The braking system is vital to rider’s safety. Traditional electric self-balancing scooters decelerate by riders’ body control. In case of emergency, it could not make response promptly. Airwheel intelligent A3 is introduced ingeniously with an electronic braking system. When riders push the brake switch, the vehicle will apply the brake within 0.5 second. Then the vehicle will be stopped within 50 cm. It absolutely guarantees riders’ safety.

A3 intelligent two-wheeled scooter

If electric self-balancing scooters are created for better and simpler commuting, then A3 is born for quality commuting. The intelligent, stylish and shining device has presented a unique riding mode.

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