Airwheel Low Carbon Travel

  • Source:Airwheel

Abstract: Airwheel self-balancing electric unicycle endeavors to provide the best products to customers with the aim to make products that are both green and high quality. By providing a solution to traffic congestions, the company is also introducing a green lifestyle to the public.

The transportation has been evolving since human beings began to use tools to replace walking. Gone are the vehicles unfitted to the era, and emerged are those meeting the demand of the new era. Once upon a time, horses and cattle were effective transportation. Later in industrial time, there emerged steam powered vehicles. Now, transportation vehicles vary. Cars, buses, trains, subway, scooters are all ways of going to places.

electric unicycle

Airwheel self-balancing electric unicycle: are you going low carbon today?

It’s an undeniable fact that the transportation functions as a driver that propels the advancement of the society in the technology, politics and economy. However, as the society advances, it will in turn promote the development of transportation. In the past few decades, people have been focused on the pursuit of speed of vehicles, because people want to get to a place faster. However, the gas-fueled vehicles, fast enough as they are, cause great polluting pressure to the environment. The government and the public have begun to realize the backlash and the urgency to protect the environment. Many campaigns have been launched to promote the low carbon lifestyles. The Airwheel was born under such circumstances.

The Airwheel self-balancing electric unicycle is an environmental friendly personal transportation powered by the original Sony lithium battery. It’s a green vehicle as it is low carbon and energy efficient with zero emission. Highly chargeable, the battery can be recharged for more than 1800 times with the battery life 2.9 times longer than ordinary batteries.

self-balancing electric

As a leading brand in the intelligent portable transportation market, the Airwheel endeavors to make its products both green and of high quality. The Airwheel sells not the products, but also tries to introduce the green lifestyle to the public. Speed is no longer a criteria to a good vehicle. People are considering a new form of vehicle that is eco-friendly. The Airwheel is committed to bring to the public this kind of vehicles that meet the demand of modern people.

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